City Staff and Commissioners take BIG steps for street improvements

The City of Breckenridge has 66 miles of city street to maintain. The average cost per mile to improve, without being engineered, is approximately $1 million per mile. The challenge with the condition of our city streets has been exacerbated by aging water/wastewater infrastructure and a lack of resources, both capital and human. 
The city initiated a Strategic Planning effort that included staff, Mayor, City Commissioners, Community Leaders, and the public. Street improvements were at the top of the list of items that desperately need attention.

The City Commission has taken several actions over the course of the last few months to plan and implement an aggressive street improvement plan for the City of Breckenridge.

This plan lays out a summary of upcoming street improvements in the City of Breckenridge.

  • Pavement Evaluation Project.
  • Onboarding General Street Maintenance Contractor to assist in maintaining and repairing our roadways. 
  • Entering into an interlocal with Stephens County to partner in selected street repairs inside the city limits (Potential improvements could include areas with no curbs such as Chaparral). 
  • Entered into an interlocal with Stephens County for a County application through the Community Development Block Program for a grant to repair streets inside the city limits (Potential improvements include 3rd Street, north of the High School from Parks to Rose and Hartford, by the Hospital, from Elliott to 180/Walker). 
  • Applied for a Community Development Block Program Grant for city streets (Potential improvements; Panther from Jeanette to 5th Street and 4th Street from Panther to Parks).
  • Planning for Debt Issuance for General Fund FY 2023-2024 to fund street improvements
Below is a draft of the short and long-term road improvement plans. These plans are subject to change. 
steet improvement plan

At the June 6, 2023 meeting commissioners approved issuing a notice of intent to issue combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation. This will allow the city to make much-needed improvements to our city streets, infrastructure, parks, and facilities.  On August 1, 2023, City Commissioners will meet and tentatively propose to adopt an ordinance authorizing the issuance of interest-bearing certificates of obligation to fund primarily these street improvements along with park and facility improvements.
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